
This project is a Python-based system for fetching, processing, and storing newsletter emails. It retrieves emails, processes the HTML content of the emails, and stores the processed data in a Supabase database.

Note: The front-end is in letter-display repository.

Files and their roles

  • main.py: This is the main entry point of the application. It runs the fetcher.py and extractor.py scripts.

  • fetcher.py: This script fetches new emails from a specified Gmail account. It filters the emails based on the subject and uploads the content of the emails to a Supabase database.

  • extractor.py: This script downloads the latest email content from the Supabase database, extracts the necessary information from the email content, creates an Article object with the extracted information and the most common tag from a list of tags defined in the .env file, and uploads the article data to the Supabase database. If no tag is found in the content, a default tag defined in the .env file is used.

  • supabase_client.py: This script sets up the connection to the Supabase database using the URL and API key from the environment variables.

  • .env: This file contains environment variables such as the Supabase URL and API key, IMAP server details, email user and password, non-newsletter keywords, a list of tags, and a default tag.

  • Article.py: This file contains the class Article, the class is used to structure the data for each article. It has attributes for the title, img, date, content, snippet, readtime, tag of an article.


  • Improve the extractor.py.
  • Implement a multi-newsletter fetcher and extractor.
  • Split and organize the Supabase tables.

How to run the project

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install the required Python packages using pip:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Update the .env file with your Supabase URL, API key, and email details.
  2. Run the main.py script:
python src/main.py

Built With

  • Python
  • BeautifulSoup
  • imaplib
  • Supabase