
Manage your browsing history effortlessly with HistoryCleaner, a Google Chrome extension that empowers you to create a blacklist of websites you'd rather keep off your history radar.

Manage your browsing history effortlessly with HistoryCleaner, a Google Chrome extension that empowers you to create a blacklist of websites you'd rather keep off your history radar.

Screenshot 2024-02-17 at 15 25 06

Technologies Used

This project is crafted using the following technologies:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • JSON

How it Works

Simply install the extension, and you can start curating your browsing history. Add those websites that you prefer to keep incognito, and let HistoryCleaner do the rest.


  • Easy-to-use Chrome extension
  • Create a personalized blacklist
  • Keep specific websites off your browsing history
  • Enhance your browsing privacy


  1. Download the extension files.
  2. Open Google Chrome.
  3. Go to chrome://extensions/.
  4. Enable "Developer mode."
  5. Click "Load unpacked" and select the extension directory.

Start managing your browsing history like a pro with HistoryCleaner!